
SCAS families this page shares and directs you to information and online tools provided by the school administration and staff.


Monthly Tuition Payments

Monthly tuition may be submitted in the following ways:

  • Pay online at Adventist School Pay (link button below) with options to pay by bank account or credit card. (Fees for using a  credit card will be the responsibility of the parents and will be added to the monthly statement.)

Adventist School Pay

Adventist School Pay INSTRUCTIONS:

  1. Register for an Adventist School Pay account.
  2. Log in to your account and add your child by clicking on "Add New Account/Student".
  3. Add your child/children that you are paying tuition for. Use your child's date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) as their account number.
  4. When you have added your children to your account, click "Done: Specify Amount(s)"
  5. You can now enter your payments for each child as it is listed on your bill.

Do you have questions about how Adventist School Pay works? Simply click here to see FAQs about the program


  • Write a check (To Silver Creek Adventist School) and bring it to the school.  


JUPITER Online Family Portal

Jupiter is our online grading program where students and families can check to see academic growth as recorded throughout the year (Click on the link below to be directed to login page). 




*If you have question about how to login please talk to your child's teacher. 


Digital Handbook

You will find a link for our digital handbook for the current school year below.  

Digital Handbook (click on the icon)