


Why Donate?

Silver Creek Adventist School has always been an affordable Christ-centered school. The tuition has always remained lower than any other Christian or private school in the area.

The reason for this is due to the generosity of our church family and many Silver Creek alumni that give on a regular basis.

The principle of laying our treasures up in Heaven rather than here on Earth is what allows us to continue educating for eternity. The parable of Jesus when the man is very happy with his earthly income gets greedy and wants more.

The Lord replies with “You fool. Your life is required of you this night.”

How much better for us to invest in young people who are the future of our church and community.




How Can I Help?

Student Assistance Fund: This program is a way to help individual families who are struggling to pay their tuition costs. Some families have multiple students in Silver Creek Adventist School and need a little help each month.


Please pray that our church family, friends, and neighbors will continue to see the importance of a Christ-centered school in our community.



Click on the icon above and you will be taken to secure site to give through Adventist School Pay, which will process your online donation. Thank you for your gift!